

James Joyce


The novel, perhaps, to end all novels, James Joyce’s Ulysses encompasses the entire breadth of the Western literary canon in its scope and ambition. Exhaustively studied and argued over by scholars since its first appearance in 1922, it still remains for many ardent devotees of modern literature something of an enigma.
   “What, nowadays, is the constituency of Ulysses? Who reads it? Who curls up with Ulysses?” So enquired British author Martin Amis in a 2001 essay. Our poster might make this great work more approachable, but certainly doesn’t make it an easier read. For those who’ve tackled Ulysses – who’ve bathed in its streams of consciousness – it’s an apt trophy. For those who’ve yet to navigate its twisting alleys and dark interiors, we’ve created the perfect map.

→ Two-colour offset (black / verdigris)
→ Word count: 265,222
→ Includes 1 table and 3 musical notations
→ Typeset in 2.47pt Malaga
→ Printed on 150g Munken Pure Rough

Price not including packaging and shipping

70 × 100 cm / English

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